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Sponsor, Support & Pray

Expenses for Rescue's daily operations are as you can imagine quite extensive. Currently we are dependent on sponsorship and other donations from abroad. What we have seen recently, which has been a huge blessing, is the Cambodian Government, local businesses and individuals stepping up to support Rescue with both monetary and in-kind donations like rice and other food.


Sponsorship of a child, elderly woman, or AIDS patient covers a portion of their everyday needs. We invite you to become involved in the life of a child or adult through sponsorship for just $50 per month. You will receive a photo and biography of your child or adult and updates are sent out periodically. 

The word ‘sponsorship' at times can bring up a mixed emotions for people. A vast number of charitable organizations offer sponsorship options as a way to contribute to their cause.  


When running day-to-day operations of an organization like Rescue Cambodia, the expenses are extensive. Multiply that by the number of children and the need greatly increases. To cover all the costs incurred 3 sponsors are needed for each child.


At Rescue we have the honour and privilege of raising hundreds of children daily. Caring for their basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter is a challenge in itself but add to that giving them a quality education, opportunities for spiritual growth and life skills and you will realize that raising these kids up is not just a job, it's a life's work. 


`Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. ‘ - Proverbs 22:6


We are so thankful for the dedicated leadership and staff that call Rescue home. Each one of them understand the weight of what they have taken on and they are willing to step up to see the next generation of Cambodians grow and thrive. Their dedication to their jobs is unprecedented and their love for the children is very evident.


Will you be one of those who are willing to walk alongside us and help to Raise Them Up? 


Scroll the gallery below to see who are in need of sponsorship at Rescue.

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